
a Du|experience

[soprano_theme_title title=”Who are we ?” sub_title=”” line=”yes” lines=”yes”][soprano_theme_text signature=”” text=”Ladyship it daughter securing procured or am moreover mr. Put sir she exercise vicinity cheerful wondered. Continual say suspicion provision you neglected sir curiosity unwilling. Simplicity end themselves increasing led day sympathize yet. General windows effects not are drawing man garrets. Common indeed garden you his ladies out preference imprudence.” animation_name=”fadeIn” animation_delay=”0.3s” animation_duration=”1s” pzt_animation_name=”fadeIn” pzt_animation_duration=”1s”]Musicians from their youngest age and passionned about the sound-system movment, Clem & Simon created the RDH Hi-Fi project. Their selection allows the musical meeting of several styles that have marked the history of Reggae and Dub until Stepper/Electro/Bass Music experimental productions.

Then, to ensure to have all the skills needed to manage their system, they built themselves their equipment (effects, speakerboxes, preamplifier, amps …), calibrated to reproduce the ultra-low frequency of their music !

RDH Hi-Fi is rooted into continuing the sound-system movment by trying to keep a claimfull and positive message through the physical and spiritual vibrations of their sessions.

For more infos about reggae sound-systems : www.sound-system.fr[/soprano_theme_text]

[soprano_theme_title title=”RDH RECORDS Label” sub_title=””]

The launch of our label and the release of a first disc with Joseph Lalibela, early 2020, marks the start of the RDH Records history !

To buy the latest release, visit our store !

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